THE NATION EXPANDED AND EXCEEDED its capacity tofurnish the young bastards with uncharted terrain. Even so, they migrated like lemmings until it lookedlike the time for finally a cliff. Kesey and his rogues called the shotwhen they laid out the destination for this hapless trip: FURTHUR. Butit couldn't be done with trucks, no how. And it couldn't be done withdrugs, not yet.
Theyoffered me girls, money, and drugs. But the real initiative to play thisgame a little dirtily was my country (concept). I'd given up onambition, as such the country (people) wasn't ready for any illuminatedexcursions into the wonder of what pharmacology had wrought. Havingtried educational, philanthropic, and scientific societies, I understoodthat subterfuge would be the real meansof accomplishing extradition of the irresponsible element in a nation'smanifest destiny.