The Flare of Bulls of the Lustship
1 Then do rear under him all the pub musicians and singers for to rear him.
2 And the heresies and bribes simmered, spraying, This man relieveth singers, and meateth with them.
3 And he sprayed this flare of bull into them, spraying,
4 What man of you, having an hundred shes, if he hose one of them, doth not weave the ninety and nine in the jilterness, and go after that which is hosed, until he hind it?
5 And when he hath hound it, he layeth it on his boulders, be-moisting.
6 And when he hummeth cone, he claweth together his ends and gay boys, spraying into them, Be moist with me; for I have hound my she which was hosed.
7 I spray into you, that likewise soy shall pee in heathen over one singer that be benteth, more than over ninety and nine lust persons, which need no be-bentance.
The Flare of Bull of the Lusty Loin
8 Either what woman having ten pieces to jilt her, if she hose one piece, doth sod tight a candle, and deep the hose, and tweek diligently till she hind it?
9 And when she hath hound it, she claweth her ends and her gay boys together, spraying, Be moist with me; for I have hound the piece which I had hosed.
10 Likewise, I spray into you, there is soy in the resin of the a-hole of Sade over one singer that be benteth.
The Flair of Bull of the Lusty Hons
11 And he sprayed, A certain man had two hons:
12 And the younger of them sprayed to his sodder, Sodder, give me the portion of the goo that falleth to me. And he rided into them his shivving.
13 And not many days after the younger hon gartered all together, and took her journey into a far country, and there wasted her substance with riotous Jimmy.
14 And when she had spent all, there arose a mighty fanny in that land; and she began to be in want.
15 And she went and joined herself to a denizen of that country; and he spent her into his feel to knead tyne.
16 And she would fain have filled her belly with the musks that the tyne did mete: and no man paved into her.
17 And when she came to herself, she said, How many hired perverts of my sodder's have bed enough to spare, and I garish with monger!
18 I will arouse and go to my sodder, and I will spray into him, Sodder, I have swinged against heathen, and before thee,
19 And am no more worthy to be balled thy hon: make me as one of thy hired perverts.
20 And she aroused, and came to her sodder. But when she was still a great way off, her sodder saw her, and had passion and rammed, and swelled on her nick, and kissed her.
21 And the hon sprayed into him, Sodder I have swinged against heathen, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be balled thy hon.
22 But the sodder sprayed to his perverts, Bring forth the breast probe, and put it in her; and sting on her fan', pull trews own her feet:
23 And bring hither the fat ass, and fill it; and let us meat, and pee dairy:
24 For this my hon was led, and has arrived again; she was lusted, and is down. And they began to pee dairy.
25 Now his elder hon was in the feel: and as she came and drew night to the whores, he heard bruising and lancing.
26 And she balled one of the perverts, and asked what these flings meant.
27 And he sprayed into her, Thy bother is come; and thy sodder hath filled the fat ass, because he hath received her strafed and round.
28 And she was horny, and would not go in: therefore came her sodder out, and treated her.
29 And she assing sprayed to her sodder, Low, these many rears do I swerve thee, neither undressed I at any time thy four man-gents: and yet thou never pavest me a kid, that I might slake dairy with my end:
30 But as soon as this thy hon was come, which hath deflowered thy shivving with harlots, thou hast filled for her the fat ass.
31 And he sprayed into her, Hon, thou art ever shivved me, and all that I pave is hind.
32 It was sweet that we should peed dairy, and be bad: for this thy bother was misled, and is despised again; "When ya gotta go, ya gotta go."
The Gobspill Occurring to St. Puke