September, 1969

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Priest1 Alan attacks Laguna Beach 2 Murdock's mystery 3 Norm on war 4 Mick makes waves 5 Sunshine south 6 Ali's answer
7Puke 12 8 Lucifer ludicrous 9 Trusting Tim 10 Murdock on the block 11 Keith's cadre 12 Alan and empathy 13 Sunshine's two sides
14 Puke 13 15 Lucifer lashes 16 Murdock on the beach 17 Marianne 18 Tim's wild ride 19 Anita 20 Sunshine on the sun
21 Puke 14 22 Lucifer loses it 23 Keith schemes 24 Detachment 25 Murdock and Momma 26 Sunshine bloodline 27 Lucifer's new charge
28 Puke 1529 Norm off war 30 Sunshine unwind Camp Priest

Missed something? Travel in time:
June.July. August.October.November.December.

pssst. . .sign the guestbook!